1) Less than 1 yr
2) GCS < 15 after 1 hr post fit
3) Any neurological sign
4) Papilloedema (RICP)
5) Tense fontanelle (RICP)
6) Irritable, disinterested, vomiting (sick child)
7) Meningism (Kernig’s positive, photophobia, neck stiffness)
8) Complex seizure (prolonged > 15 mts), focal, recurrent)
9) Respiratory distress
10) High parental anxiety
11) New onset seizures
12) First seizure (high possibility of symptomatic etiology )
13) Mental retardation
14) Cerebral palsy
15) Head injury
16) Rapidly enlarging head circumference
17) Facial port-wine stain and mental retardation (Sturge Weber syndrome)
18) Hypoglycemic fits (fits occurring in fasting states – pediatric referral for further evaluation)
19) Dehydration fits (mainly electrolyte disturbance)
20) Past meningitis, head injury, subdural effusions (symptomatic epilepsy)
21) Fever, alteration of consciousness, neurological signs (intracranial infections)