13) Absence of traditional risk factors for atherosclerosis like age, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, low HDL levels (cryptogenic strokes)
14) Hypercoagulable states (strokes, migraine, spontaneous abortions, pulmonary emboli, DVT, F/H of any of these – hematologist evaluation )
15) High-risk TIA’s for stroke (TIAs with hemiparesis, speech/language deficits, duration > 10 min, age > 60 yrs, diabetes)
16) Postpartum states and dehydration (venous thrombosis)
17) TIA and fever (SABE)
18) TIAs and confusion, headache, seizures, rheumatoid disease, sympathomimetic use (CNS vasculitis)
19) Women of childbearing age, recurrent abortion (Antiphospholipid syndrome)