HAND PAIN - Common Patterns

1)      Carpal tunnel syndrome

2)      De Quervain’s disease

3)      Acute/chronic paronychia

4)      Candidal intertrigo

5)      Myofascial pain syndrome - palm and finger pain in dorsal interossei MFPS, thumb pain in adductor and opponens pollicis MFPS, dorsum of hand pain spreading from anterior shoulder to the posterior aspect of arm upto the dorsum of hand in coracobrachialis MFPS, dorsum of hand pain spreading to forearm in extensor carpi ulnaris MFPS, medial 3 fingers pain apreading to the palm in flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus MFPS, thumb pain palmar in flexor pollicis longus MFPS, hand pain starting from the shoulder and wpreading down the arm in nfrapsinatus MFPS, palmar pain spreading up the anterior forearm in palmaris longus MFPS, medial hand palmar aspect pain starting from the shoulder and spreading to anterior chest wall and spreading down the inner arm and forearm in pec minor MFPS, medial hand palmar aspect pain starting from posterior chest wall and lateral chest wall spreading down the inner arm, inner forearm, medial hand and 2 medial fingers in serratus anterior MFPS, medial fingers pain starting from posterior chest wall and lateral chest wall spreading down the inner arm and forearm, hand to the medial 2 fingers in serratus anterior MFPS, lateral palm, medial 3 fingers starting from anterior chest wall pain in infraclavicular area spreading down anterior arm and lateral forarm in subclavius MFPS, firt web space dorsumof hand in supinator MFPS.  See notes under myofascial pain syndrome for diagnostic criteria and therapy.

6)     Superficial and deep palmar infections